
Jockey Spotlights Dog Rescuer Zach Skow In New Chapter Of Acclaimed #ShowEm Campaign

Jockey, a 142-year-old brand recognized around the world for its premium underwear and apparel, has announced the next chapter of its inspiring brand campaign "Show 'Em What's Underneath, Show 'Em Your Jockey.” The campaign is showing what people are made of—literally and figuratively—with emotional videos starring everyday heroes.

The latest hero to be featured is dog rescuer Zach Skow, who found purpose in giving shelter dogs a second chance at life after he battled liver disease and hit rock bottom.

Campaign Video

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Print/Outdoor Ad

Catalog Spread

Photography & Instagram Posts

Times square Billboards

Partnership with DoDo and Marley’s Mutts + limited Edition Products


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Social Media Influencers

Client: Jockey | Agency: NitroC
ECD: Chris Clarke | CD: Ashlee Clarke | AD: Vrasidas Golemis